Power & Muffin is a creative art duo based in NYC and Vancouver BC. They create niche, witty and sexy content. With a focus on kink, its fashion, and its lifestyle, Power & Muffin create content that speaks to the heart of its audience. Their works are Pop art, they are large and colorful taking their palate from Hanky codes. They are inspired by their audience, they create content with them, not for them.
Power & Muffin is pushing boundaries and creating a safe space to explore just how far art can go. With this unique approach, the collaborative duo seeks to normalize the often-startling images with a tongue-in- cheek approach that can't be found anywhere else. Power & Muffin draws attention to what is both common and uncommon uniting itsaudience through humor, sexuality, and creativity.
They take risks like no other duo out there. Join them on their journey and let them show you how collaboration can be art. They are not afraid to shake things up, and they have a knack for creating work that is humorous, visually stunning, and thought provoking.